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Chemically modified water by interacting remotely
The Research Institute of Consciousness, founded by Umberto Di Grazia, is the multidimensional research center in which psychic research, the techniques of the Union and the Awakening® are promoted and a better quality of life to broaden the knowledge and self-awareness, regenerate and strengthen one’s energies, increase the faculties of attention and perception. It was created to find a meeting point between techniques, energy therapies, unusual phenomena and scientific research.
The web site “” was founded in 1997 by the will and commitment of Umberto Di Grazia and the volunteers of the I.R.C. to make all the basic information available to understand our line and our commitment.
Our pages, the result of the constant commitment of people who work voluntarily for us, also contain articles and international research difficult to find in Italy.
To support our work, associate with the I.R.C. below:
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