


The Consciousness Research Institute is an association independent of governments, political parties, economic and religious interests, lives only thanks to the subscriptions of its members and supporters, its existence is based exclusively on self-financing.
The aims of the Association are to seek human potential without prejudice, to promote human rights in all senses – especially in the field of health – to protect and enhance the environment, the landscape and nature, to spread culture in the scientific field , historical and artistic. All people who play an active role within the association perform their function in the form of volunteering, their participation is spontaneous and free.

Help us to respect the inalienable rights of human beings, it is essential that those who believe it is right to support our cause, financially support the Institute through enrollments and donations.

How to sign up
For those who want to make or renew their enrollment, the Institute provides three types of annual membership fees:

  1. Individual (basic) € 20,00
  2. Family € 50,00
  3. Senior € 100,00

To enroll for the first time, you must:

1. Fill in this form with your personal data and send it back to IRC by email;

2. Transfer the fee with the following bank details:

Unicredit Banca di Roma
Agenzia Via Cristoforo Colombo 44 Roma
IBAN IT 74 M 020080 505100000 4130 874

Headed to:
Associazione Istituto di Ricerca della Coscienza
Via Attilio Ambrosini, 72 – 00147 Roma

Reason for payment: “quota associativa 2022”.

Following registration, you will be sent an IRC membership card.

For those who renew, simply make the transfer as described in point 2.

For any other information write to us on or call us at +39 347.2353426.