June 10, 2015 Test
Before starting the Test, at 10.00 on 10/06/2015, the equine DNA sample was defrosted and homogenized and poured into two UV-transparent transparent cuvettes signed respectively with the letter B (white) and with the letter T (Treaty). The sample B (white) throughout the experiment was kept in the same conditions as the sample T (treated) in order to be able to reset any effects on the absorbance values, due to the thawing and the temperatures at which the measurements were made.
The latter were carried out in the Molecular Biology section of the Rome Environmental Food Laboratory srl.
At 11.15 on both samples, the first UV absorbance measurements were performed, performed in triplicate; Table 1 shows the average absorption of both samples at 260mµ: the sample T to be treated shows a slightly higher average absorbance value compared to sample B (+ 0.47%), not very significant considering the value of the t-test (0.25).
After taking the measurements, the cuvettes are placed in the cold room at 4 ° C.
At 12:15, by throwing a coin (head / cross) it was decided that the remote group, whose components had to interact separately in different regions (Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Lazio, Campania, Puglia and Sicily) , on the DNA contained in a cuvette indicated by the letter T.
At 12:30, the first UV absorbance measurements were performed on both samples, performed in triplicate; Tab.2 shows the triple absorptions of both samples: the T sample to be treated shows a slightly higher average absorbance value compared to sample B (+ 0.48%), not very significant considering the value of the t- test = 0.25.
At 12.32 I communicated to Umberto by sms the type of remote action (unrolling) on the DNA to be carried out on the sample identified with the letter T (from 17.00 to 17.30).
At 4:50 pm ten minutes before the start of the experiment, the measurements were always performed in triplicate on both samples; in tab.n ° 3 the average absorbances of both samples are reported; the table shows on the sample T an unrolling effect evidenced by an increase in absorbance to 260 µm with a% increase compared to white (+1.34), slightly significant based on the value of the t-test = 0.06.
Tab. n°3
At 5:34 pm at the end of the action (intention) produced by the remote group, triple measurements were made and the average absorbance value of both triple samples reported in tab. No. 4:
Tab. n°4
the table shows on the sample T an unrolling effect highlighted by an increase in absorbance to 260 µm with a% increase compared to white (+0.83), not very significant based on the value of the t-test = 0.13
At 18:00 the last triple measurements were made, shown in tab. No. 5.
The statistical examination with the t-test, comparing the average absorbances obtained around 18.00 of the DNA sample treated with respect to the White, gives a t-test value <0.0001 (highly significant) with an average% increase of the absorbance of 6.07% compared to white; the two cuvettes (T and B) were placed in a cold room at 4 ° C until the next day.
Graf. N°1
The Graf. N ° 1 highlights the values of the absorbances of the blank and of the DNA treated from 11.16 to 18.03; it can be seen that the value of the treaty is always higher, until it reaches its maximum value at 18.03 hours, where the difference between the absorbances is higher.
At 11:49 on 11.06.2015, triple measurements of the DNA samples were carried out and are shown in tab. n ° 6.
Tab. n°6
the table shows on the sample T a unrolling effect evidenced by an increase in absorbance to 260 µm with a% increase compared to white (+6.47), highly significant based on the value of the t-test <1x10-58.
The last measurements were repeated almost 24 hours after the unrolling effect, as shown in tab. n ° 7.
Tab. n°7
the table shows on the sample T an unrolling effect evidenced by an increase in absorbance to 260 µm with a% increase compared to white (+6.23), highly significant based on the value of the t-test <1x10-4. Graf. N°2
Graph No. 2 confirms the difference in absorbance of the treated DNA compared to the blank on day 11.6 up to 24 hours from the start of the test.
It can therefore be said that the highly significant unrolling (t-test <0.0001) remains for more than 24 hours, with unrolling% values going beyond 6%.
The following considerations can be made:
- The group of about 150 people whose components separately (Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Lazio, Campania, Puglia and Sicily) completely relaxed, in full harmony with the heart and brain, through focusing and / or meditation techniques, interacted positively with the structure DNA (with the intention of unrolling it) resulting in substantial changes (more than 6% increase in absorbance at 260 µm) highly statistically significant.
We are in the presence of non-local effects, that is, not due to normally known physical forces or laws; the group was not gathered in a single place, but located in different regions of Italy:
Remote biological effect on statistically highly significant equine DNA solution (t-test <0.0001) Biological effect on equine DNA solution before the launch of the coin statistically insignificant. Biological effect before the start of the test on the equine DNA solution statistically significant (t-test <0.1) The DNA denaturation effect (unrolling) was detected already at 16:50 ten minutes before the start of the experiment (difference between the average absorbances of +0.003, with t-test = 0.06 slightly significant) occurred at 17:00. The DNA denaturation effect (unrolling) was detected in a highly significant manner at 18.00, i.e. 30 minutes after the end of the test, based on the difference in the absorbances of the treated DNA compared to the blank (+0.0130) and to the t-test (<0.0001). - The denaturing effect on the treated DNA is stable for at least 24 hours based on the repeated absorbance measurements on the treated DNA sample compared to the blank based on the increase in absorbance> 6% and t-test <0.0001.
- The results are comparable to those obtained on 4.12.2014 with a group of 50 people who acted separately from a distance, obtaining an increase in absorbency> 7% of the treatment compared to white and a t-test <0.001; this shows that the remote technique with non-local effects is not only repeatable but with quite similar effects on DNA.
Roma 23.06.2015 dr.Prof. Ezio Gagliardi
Il Metodo Umberto Di Grazia per la visione a distanza
Modificata chimicamente l’acqua interagendo a distanza
Articolo pubblicato sulla rivista scientifica NeuroQuantology il 30 Gennaio 2018
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