Society today is accustomed to the change that follows the diffusion of technologies.
Someone questions the ethical dimension and the risks of a scientific development without rules or shared objectives. Many hope that things will be regulated by themselves and a better society is expected, supported by a more widespread prosperity. He expects almost everything from the machines, almost nothing from the man as if man could progress only with the support of the machine, as if he could expand its potential only with technological prostheses. The dissemination of higher education and television have made culture much more homogeneous and have increased knowledge and communication from a quantitative point of view.
We are committed to developing the awareness of what we are, of the forms of thought, of how we can improve, of what we want to do.
Philosophy has lost meaning for most people but has not been replaced by the pursuit of deeper knowledge. How can society govern the fast-moving change without developing self-consciousness and its goals? Today more than ever it is necessary to develop Consciousness for our well-being and for the vitality of scientific research.
The Research Institute of the Conscience of Rome is the center of multidimensional investigation, where they are experimented and promoted the Union and awakening techniques, Psychic Research and that for a better quality of life. The activity of the Institute includes the organization of seminars and courses, both in Rome and in other Italian cities, to broaden the knowledge of the self, regenerate and strengthen its energies, increase the faculties of attention and perception.
The Research Institute of Conscience, founded by Umberto di Grazia, head of the Techniques, was created to find a meeting point between techniques, energy therapies, unusual phenomena and scientific research. In practice, we intend to establish a base from which to explore, through a common journey, who and how we really are and what purpose to give to our evolving existence.
The instructors of the techniques are supported by the advice of doctors, biologists, psychologists. While physics, mathematicians, psychiatrists and sociologists of the ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome participate in the research and experimentation work.

Umberto Di Grazia during an underwater experiment of psychic archeology, carried out at the island of Ustica (PA)
Much is still ignored about the real potential of the relationship between mind, spirit and matter, but the most advanced scientific research has already recorded important responses in this regard. The results, obtained in the last fifty years of scientific work on Psychological Research, have been evaluated in the light of a very advanced and effective statistical analysis technique, called ‘Meta-Analysis’, by scientists of various American universities. The conclusion was: “The psychic phenomena are very significant and repeatable and the relationship of randomness of the collected data is so low, that these data have a validity higher than that of many drugs on the market.” With the statistical parameter of Effect Size, in 1987, it was found that the data on aspirin has a value of 0.03, while in the analysis of paranormal phenomena the value rises to 0.29: 10 times higher.

The brand of Princeton Engineering Anomalous Research, which plays on the meaning of the acronym P.E.A.R. (pear)
In 1989 the conclusions of the studies of Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research, published in the journal ‘Foundation of Physics’, documented the existence of psychic phenomena and in particular “the influence of the power of thought on matter”.
In 1995 the scientists appointed by the Congress of the United States of America, to evaluate the results of the research carried out on extrasensory perceptions, wrote in their report that: “the evidence of these phenomena is overwhelming”. Subsequently, the Nobel Prize winner for physics, Brian D. Josephson, confirmed in an article the positive evaluations on psychic phenomena and their implications for social development.
On this basis, aligning itself with the theories of deep ecology (Progetto Gaia), the program of the Research Institute of Consciousness is founded. A program implemented with the study of bioenergy, environmental influence and with the practice of Union Techniques and Risveglio®, for a new language in harmony with the whole. With the organization of journeys to the rediscovery of ancient places, through an ‘intuitive’ archeology, in contact and in harmony with nature and its ‘memories’, to reconnect with one’s roots and recharge oneself with vital energy.
With the information, the collection and the study of data related to psychic phenomena: for the investigations and experiments of this advanced research, aimed at social aims and carried out in collaboration with scholars of various disciplines. We invite anyone who has questions about it, or documentable manifestations of unusual phenomena to communicate to us, to contact us or to participate in the online collection that we are activating anomalous phenomena and precognition.

Umberto Di Grazia president of the Research Institute of the Conscience and leader of the techniques of the Union and the Awakening
The definition of Consciousness presents particular difficulties, therefore the various attempts made involve tautologies (useless repetitions of the same idea in different terms) or consider only partial and secondary aspects. For example, a modern and widespread definition proposed by the American George Trumbull Ladd: “all that we are awake, as opposed to what we are when we sink into dreamless sleep”, indicates the circumstances in which one can be directly experienced state of Consciousness, while the essence of the phenomenon seems inexpressible. In fact, as the Scottish philosopher Sir William Hamilton states, we can clearly understand what Consciousness is but we can not, without risk of confusion, communicate verbally to others a definition: “reason is simple: Consciousness is at the root of every knowledge”.
Consciousness is therefore the fundamental part of our essence that allows us to ‘understand’ and be aware of our feelings and, more generally, gives us information about the world as we perceive it. But our perceptions are not limited to the world of the visible or the tangible, a dream when we ‘live’ it is much more real, at times, than the normal unfolding of our lived in a waking state. Without going into a complex discussion about what is real and what is not, let us reflect on an important reflection: reality depends on my Consciousness, or rather, on the ‘level’ of acquired Consciousness. Raising the Consciousness is, therefore, the way to enlarge my ‘visual field’ of the world. By widening the ‘visual field’ of the world (increased knowledge), I raise the degree of Consciousness.
(Only two words … before starting)

Professor Jessica Utts, University of California, author of important studies in the field of Anomalous Research (anomalous phenomena)
Following these two complementary lines we aim to understand and study those phenomena of Consciousness that are still today confused or deliberately matched, to create more and more disinformation, to occult, magical, or similar facts. The valid and scientific research in these fields of knowledge are many, even if not disclosed, and have shown that these “potentialities” exist and the phenomena, under a serious control, are repeatable (see website & link); in short, they are part of our internal structures, just like the ‘normal’ senses.
Throughout the research world one wonders about their “real” influence in life and how and from where these “signals” come. We are looking for a method to develop, or better, to increase this latent potential of man. It is understood that messages are picked up by the mind outside its logic translation mechanisms and therefore belong to the most profound and unconscious part of Consciousness.
Through the site we will discuss the various issues related to these fields of investigation in order to develop a collaboration with all those of you who want to participate: through the Observatory we propose a series of articles of various kinds, from the scientific to the paranormal, from the ethics to the sociological, hoping to stimulate in your Consciousness a new dimension of Research. With the pages of the Profile we display our manifesto; Activities are presented to provide a picture of our surveys and multidimensional methods; on the links, moreover, it is possible to connect with other international research sites such as universities and independent institutes; the Research presents an overview of the most interesting research and collaborations carried out by the Institute and by our head teacher; the rest of the site you will discover it … surfing!
Good research to everyone.
The Research Institute of the Conscience for Legal Assistance will address the STUDIO DEL PROF. MR. MICHELE DEL RE and STUDIO LEGALE DE NAPOLI.
The Research Institute of Consciousness (IRC), a non-profit association founded by Umberto DI GRAZIA in 1996, based in Rome in Via Attilio Ambrosini, n. 72, is aware that, for several years, a group of individuals , coordinated by a former hairdresser, living in Rome in Via delle Sette Chiese, promises miracles of various kinds, introducing themselves into wealthy families, especially in Northern Italy (Brescia, Bergamo) and in France (Paris, French Riviera), using the name of our founder Umberto di Grazia, claiming that it is an “Archangel”. People who are cheated and cheated, perhaps because they are plagiarized, are afraid to report the aforementioned individuals who, despite our suspicions and complaints, continue to operate undisturbed. This Institute has already reported to the competent Authorities such fraudulent behavior, including through public warnings, and now invites anyone who has information in this regard to get in touch with this Association, in order to protect the weakest people who are ensnared by fake ” healers “.
Even today, 05.05.2016, we have had the testimonies of people who, educated by us years back, in their stages, meetings and conferences do not say absolutely where they were formed. For what we believe, it is right that those who continue on our line can add what they consider useful but should also for dignity cite their formation: both for the sword line, for the value of the Y and its pre-Etruscan Temple ( material and elements present for twenty years on our site) for the techniques of the Union and the Awakening and more …!
Therefore: the former students and former instructors of the Association are invited and wary to continue to use the names, trademarks, techniques and itineraries peculiar to the Institute, which are the inalienable heritage of the founder and founder Umberto Di Grazia, to protection of images and copyrights and in accordance with applicable laws.
The Association “Research Institute of Consciousness” (I.R.C.) is the only structure responsible for promoting, preparing, controlling and defending our line which has given many positive results. With the work done so far we have informed, trained and helped more than 3,800 people. All this is in line with the commitment and the will of the methods found and applied by us and by the inventor for the Union and the Awakening Umberto Di Grazia. It should be noted, in this regard, that these methods have been studied and evaluated over more than 45 years of serious and competent work, both in Italy and abroad, and tested by Prof. Mario Bruschi, professor of the University’s Physics Department. “La Sapienza” of Rome and other scientists also present in our Scientific Committee.
We have been urging for years and we continue to do an annual meeting with those who have formed new groups to share any changes, if born of a real experience, but we do not have a response today.
Who operates outside the structure of the Association and without the written consent of this, personally assumes all the civil and criminal responsibilities that derive from the unlawful use of the methods mentioned above, which are the exclusive competence of the Institute which moreover, he continually updates his collaborators with preparatory courses on methods, scientific discoveries and any other knowledge useful for professional preparation on these subjects, in line with the principles set out by the founder of the Research Institute of Conscience.
The Steering Committee
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