Psychic phenomena exist
By Umberto Di Grazia
Is something changing in the field of the no longer new, but always contested science of Parapsychology?
Certainly the name. Today it is officially redefined as “Psychic Research” and “Anomalous Research” and the Psychic Phenomena, “AP” (Anomalous Perception), and “AC” (Anomalous Cognition).
It represents a new way of conceiving man and the universe, studying natural phenomena controlled by laws other than those of classical physics, caused by a different form of energy, being studied and for this reason it is a science whose affirmation meets many obstacles.
About the American astronaut and scientist Edgar D. Mitchell, founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences of Palo Alto in California, wrote in the preface of his work “Psychic Exploration”:
“The evidence from Psychic Research suggests that humanity has enormous untapped potential” and explains, “it leads us to a strongly provocative conclusion: the image that science has made of man and the universe must be completely magazine. To do this, to bring a new light on the enigma of the human being, science must not only eradicate dogmatic and blindly rigid attitudes, but above all it must get rid of many philosophical foundations that have supported it at the base for too long.” (1)
Quantum Physics, which has been partly ignored for the same reasons, has also posed a similar problem for eighty years (many have passed since its discovery). Just think that the physics taught in Italy in high schools and some cases in universities, such as that normally dealt with by the mass media, is not modern physics, but roughly speaking, physics of the late 1800s.
Psychic Research today can no longer be considered as an investigation in the initial phase, but a science set on solid foundations, since the existence of its phenomena has been demonstrated by scholars included in various universities and research institutes, while the results obtained have appeared regularly in scientific journals.
In December 1989, the studies of the P.E.A.R. (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research), in the United States, where the existence of psychic phenomena and in particular the influence of the power of thought on the matter has been widely documented, with experiments by MicroPk (Psychokinesis). (2)
The results obtained in fifty years of scientific work on Psychic Research have also been evaluated in the light of a very advanced and effective statistical analysis technique, called Meta-Analysis, by several scientists, including R. Rosenthal of Harvard University and Jessica Utts of the Division of Statistic University of California, Davis. The conclusion was that:
“The phenomena are very significant and repeatable and the randomness ratio is so low that these data collected have a validity superior to that of many drugs on the market”, thus denying the many false accusations made against the existence and validity of psychic phenomena(3). Furthermore, with the investigation of the statistical parameter of the Effect Size (Effect Effect) published in 1987, it was found that: the data on Aspirin has a value of 0.03 while in the analysis of paranormal phenomena the result is 10 times higher, with a value of 0.29 and which, despite everything, is not considered adequately.
We therefore live in a paradox: “What is less true passes for real and scientific”.
As for the phenomenon of precognitions, 309 experiments were analyzed, with the study of 62 researchers and 2.000,000 of precognitive data of 50.000 subjects. The results led the statistical comparative element to such a low number of “Random Verification”, that scientifically it cannot be taken into consideration.
On the phenomenon of telepathy, on 1 February 1994, the neuropsychologist Jacobo Grinberg of the National University of Mexico, at an international conference, demonstrated, with a public experiment, the accuracy of his thesis: “the minds of engaged couples communicate remotely”. The experiment was reported in Italy by an article in the Italian newspaper La Stampa.
On that occasion, Dr. Grinberg used a Faraday chamber and electronic devices to measure the electrical activity of the brains. The experiment was fully successful: the reactions of the subjects were similar, regardless of which of the two was stimulated by pain and bright sensations. The very name “telepathy” coined in 1882 by Professor Meyers, (tele = distant and pàthos = feeling) perfectly describes the nature of this perception which is: transfer of emotions and not, as is believed, words or images.
Long before, in 1963, T. Tart’s numerous telepathic experiments (through blood flow, epidermal reactions, etc.) proved significant. While Vasiljev, who had worked on the electromagnetic theory of telepathy, induced hypnotic states in isolated subjects in metal chambers, also showing that this psychic phenomenon is facilitated on full moon nights.
The statistical investigation of the American W.E. was based on another type of extrasensory phenomenon. Cox, carried out in 1956 on train passengers, demonstrating that contact with the Whole is present in man and can be decisive in the future. Cox noted that “the number of travelers on a given line tends to decrease with the approach of a railway disaster on that line, as if part of those who would have had to take a given train destined for misfortune had been dissuaded by an obscure presentiment.” (4)
An official confirmation of the existence of psychic phenomena has been given by a series of American experiments.
In the summer of 1995, a US Congress Committee commissioned a study from outside experts to find out “whether the money the United States government has spent over the past twenty years to fund research on the” paranormal “had been spent well or badly.”
The experts in charge, Jessica Utts of the Division of Statistic University of California Davis, CA 95616 and psychologist Ray Hyman, known for his skepticism, carried out their investigation on “Remote Viewing” and agreed that:
“The statistical evidence for RV (Remote Viewing) is overwhelming.”
While Hyman insisted that there had to be another explanation, but not knowing which one, Utts, in his report to the US government declared: “Using the standard judgment criteria, the existence of psychic powers is absolutely proven”. The results have proven to be reproducible in well thought out experiments “and concluding,” The US government is recommended not to waste additional resources on experiments aimed at proving the existence of such phenomena, because this has already been widely proven. Instead, we recommend funding studies to try to understand how these psychic abilities work and how they can be expanded. “(5)
Similar experiments with positive results had previously been done at the Stanford Research Institute, now called SRI International and at the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). While in the article entitled: “The paranormal: the evidence and its implications for consciousness” by Jessica Utts and Brian D. Josephson, Nobel Prize in Physics, (6) confirm the positive assessments on the study of extrasensory perceptions (ESP).
The authors insist that there is scientific research on the paranormal carried out by several universities such as those of Princeton, Las Vegas, Edinburgh, Amsterdam, Durham, with methods and protocols typical of official science and that all the research proves beyond of any doubt that extrasensory phenomena exist.
Also in 1995, a leak, broadcast by the Reuters and Associated Press news agencies, brought the world to the attention of the experiments on psychic powers underway in the United States by the CIA and, through the “Stargate” Project (Gate, Access to the stars) of the Pentagon. CNN, NBC, and ABC television stations and the great American newspapers, in their news reports, have given much emphasis to the fact, which has been taken up by the press all over the world.
In Italy, at the end of the eighties, Professor Mario Bruschi of the Physics Department of the La Sapienza University of Rome, carried out a survey on the possibility of developing the degree of “perception” in normal individuals, with results considered exceptional, published l following year in the book “Le Tecniche dell’Unione”, (7)
The tests, performed with rigorous scientific protocols, were made on a group of about 50 people who had followed for a year a course of “Union and Awakening techniques” based on the “Biostimulation” method, which I developed after years of study and research.
“The idea” explains Professor Bruschi, “was born both from the long-cultivated curiosity of the author to verify these statistical data on his own, and from the opportunity to have a group of subjects available who, for the training received, a priori could be considered above the norm and that however was far from the limits of “professionalism”, with all the connected dangers.
The results in this experiment on ESP (Extrasensory Perception), concludes Professor Bruschi, “are highly non-random: the possible existence of a phenomenon of knowledge acquisition through unconventional channels is suggested”.
To better define the result found by the Italian physicist, we obtained a chance probability value equal to 1 raised to the ten-millionth: “It would be to say that a similar value could be repeated after ten million attempts!”.
If we think that in this sector we have moved on the result of 1 raised to one hundred, sometimes to a thousand, very rarely to ten thousand, the result obtained in this case is surprising, superior to that of all the experiments carried out by the best universities and institutes Americans who dealt with Anomalous Research.
(1) Edgar D. Mitchell, vol, I e II “Esplorazioni psichiche in USA” in italiano) Ed. MEB di Torino 1975
(2) Articolo “Evidence for consciouness related anomalies in random physical systems”, pubblicato nel dicembre 1989 sulla rivista scientifica “Foundation of physics” n.19, p.1499-1514.
(3) Jessica Utts “Replication and Meta-Analysis in parapsychology” , pubblicato su Statistical Science’ 1991, vol.6, n.4, p.363-403.
(4) W. E. Cox: “The effect of PK on Electrochemical Systems”, Journal of Parapsychology, 29-165, 1965
(5) “Report of Utts and Hyman”, Journal of Scientific Esxploration, vol.10, sito web:
(6) J. Utts e B. D. Josephson: “The paranormal: the evidence and its implications for consciusness” sito web:
(7) Mario Bruschi: la relazione sull’esperimento, corredata da alcuni protocolli dei relativi test scientifici, è pubblicata in calce al libro “Tecniche dell’Unione” di Umberto Di Grazia, Edizioni Mediterranee, Roma 1990