Support us
The Consciousness Research Institute is an association independent of governments, political parties, economic and religious interests, it lives only thanks to the subscriptions of its members and supporters, its subsistence is based exclusively on self-financing. The aims of the Association are to seek without prejudice the potential of man, to promote his rights in all senses – especially in the field of health – to protect and enhance the environment, landscape and nature, to spread culture in the scientific field, historical and artistic. All people who play an active role in the association perform their function in the form of volunteering, their participation is spontaneous and free.
Help us to enforce the inalienable rights of human beings, it is essential that those who believe it is right to support our cause financially support the Institute through enrollments and donations.
The purpose of the Association is to increase the hidden potential of all of us and their possible interactions in daily life, as well as to provide the right information on what for various reasons is deformed or omitted in the research.
The voluntary disbursement will give strength to the I.R.C. in continuing to spread little-known news on medicine, science, archeology and more and to help people who need both psychological and physical support.
1 – Donate the amount of 5×1000 (only for Italy)
The I.R.C. (Research Institute of Conscience) founded by Umberto Di Grazia, current President, is to all effects of law Associazione O.N.L.U.S. (non-profit organization of social utility) registered with the Lazio Region, since May 18, 2006, in the register of voluntary organizations in the Culture Section. No. D 1392.
How to make the payment: during the tax return phase, in the appropriate form “Choice for the destination of the five per thousand of IRPEF” under the heading “Support for voluntary work and other non-profit organizations of social utility, promotion associations … etc.” affix your signature and the tax code of the I.R.C Association:
971 250 40 580
2 – If you wish, you can pay your contribution to the Institute on the bank account:
Unicredit Banca di Roma
Agency Via Cristoforo Colombo n ° 444 Rome
IT 74 M 020080 505100000 4130 874
Headed to:
Associazione Istituto di Ricerca della Coscienza
Via Attilio Ambrosini, 72 – 00147 Rome – Italy
Reason for payment: “fundraising contribution”.
3 – If you wish to become a member of the IRC, click here for all the information.
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