

Here are some documents that testify the works and collaborations of Umberto Di Grazia.
We have many testimonies and credits on his and our work and we continue our Journey also to leave strong and clear signs, to encourage others to seek and discover in themselves everything that they have not yet explained well to us.

Techniques and Methods were evaluated very positively by the great psychoanalyst Emilio Servadio, founder of the ‘Italian Society of Psychoanalysis’, who wrote:
“Umberto Di Grazia was able to develop a series of physical and mental exercises, which allow you to open up to the messages of the mind and the unconscious. These are simple and pleasant techniques, which broaden the sensitive faculties of the individual, enabling him to perceive energies and vibrations that make up the entire cosmos. This method called “Biostimulation” aims to unite both external and internal opposites and induce an amalgam of energies and inner harmony, such as to consciously feel part of the whole”.

Franco Ferrarotti, founder of Sociology in Italy, in his book “La verità? E’ altrove. All’insegna del new age” states:

“Are we therefore at the antipodes of the Western scientific approach, based on the exploration of the infinitely small or the infinitely large, but always according to a logic of progressive sectionalization and fragmentation of the Whole? Is it possible, for Western European science, to reconstruct the ‘Whole starting from its Parts? Will it be possible, or even desirable, for it to recompose the universe in its fundamental and primaeval unity, renouncing to dissect it and break it up for an increasingly pushed, increasingly devastating exploitation? Umberto Di Grazia, president of the “Research Institute of Conscience” in Rome and recognized leader of the “Techniques of Union and Awakening” grasps an interesting link between new-age thought, Vedic teachings and “quantum theory”, which since the 1920s shook not only the foundations of classical physics, but also the mechanistic paradigm which is still the basis of Western rationalism. such.”

Mario Luzi, poet and writer writes:

“On Di Grazia I say less because his field is less appealable. Although I must say that there is a lot of affinity between my way of feeling and his. We have entrusted all the responsibility of knowledge to reason, to the rational system. Rationality is always in the balance. I feel it. And I feel that knowledge is not just reason. It is known in many other ways, in other ways. Certainly this of rationality as the basis of knowledge is a Western prerogative. And it is also the cause of neurosis of modern man because it implies that a part of man is repressed, suffocated. And instead in the perspective of Di Grazia, it comes out.”

Documents and certificates:

Biostimolazione© Biostimulation

No one is authorized to take the courses and use the name of Biostimolazione® as the name is registered in the name of Umberto Di Grazia both as a term and as a method.

UMBERTO MILIZIA (Doctor and surgeon): “Biostimulation”

Umberto Di Grazia has obtained with the application of his techniques very important results on painful syndromes of different etiologies such as cluster headache, sciatica from discopathy, neuritis in the course of Herpes Zoster, post-traumatic joint pain, painful syndromes of unknown cause, etc. The application of Umberto Di Grazia’s methods had the best response, restoring well-being and trust to patients who had now lost all hope of alleviating their suffering. The value of the results obtained has been proven by separating the patients into ABC classes, including in the first (A) patients never treated, in the following (B) patients treated with traditional medical therapies, and in the last (C) those patients already treated with traditional from which they had had no benefit.

The choice of patients was accurate with the aim of having, in the various classes, a type of pathology as similar as possible. The results obtained were more than comforting the analysis of the same made it possible to note in class A an improvement in the painful symptom of 100% with high percentages of definitive resolution of the pathology. These results were at least comparable to those obtained with pharmacological therapies (class B) of which everyone knows the harmful side effects and the risk of complication of other pathologies in progress (gastroduodenal ulcers, anaemia, renal insufficiency, etc.).

In those patients who had not obtained benefit from traditional therapies (class C), the application of Umberto Di Grazia’s methods had the best response, restoring well-being and trust to patients who had now lost all hope of alleviating their suffering.

Umberto Milizia
Doctor and surgeon

Applied Biostimulation Experiment

Experimenting with Applied Biostimulation at the Research Institute of Consciousness in the context of alternative therapies. In the case of “Oncological Diseases”, the Research Institute of Consciousness is beginning to experiment (once the protocols have been formalized), on selected patients who are currently in a phase of pause from antiblastic therapies, the effect of the application of energy techniques by monitoring those pathophysiological parameters that allow to evaluate the possible improvement of the subject under examination.
The program of this experiment consists in selecting patients who have a similar clinical situation as far as possible, of which half are subjected to the treatment of the techniques that are chosen from time to time by the head school.
Once the medical record has been read and the initial disease state established, the patient undergoes a cycle of ‘therapy’ using biostimulation.
At the end of the planned treatment period, the diagnostic tests are repeated (blood tests, X-ray, CT, MRI, etc. – at external laboratories) and the results obtained are compared with those of the patients chosen as controls (double-blind).
The goal of the Research Institute of Consciousness is to be able to offer all patients suffering from neoplastic disease an additional weapon, certainly harmless, often what we have been given to see in other areas effective, and which in any case, also in those cases in which it is not possible to see demonstrable clinical results, given the too advanced state of the disease, allow the patient to face with more serenity and inner strength that final destiny that is too often faced with desperation.

Testimonials on Biostimolazione Applicata®

Testimonies of some patients who have experienced Applied Biostimulation, the effects of the techniques, the results obtained.
In an article:


“I had the opportunity to speak with some people who have directly or indirectly witnessed the effects of these techniques (Biostimulation performed by Umberto di Grazia N.D.R.). After a series of applications to

Lucia Pascucci, suffering from headaches with vomiting, disappears the disorder so far never reappeared.

Gino Mignicucci, dentist, was definitively recovered from the “tennis elbow”;

Diana Volpi, who suffers from lung metastases, has obtained serious benefits that have allowed her to lead a normal life since 1984 for about nine years.

Dr Francesco Casu, a doctor, witnessed, in addition to the pain-relieving use of applications on subjects suffering from metastases, of two cases in particular, in which a biostimulation intervention made the infections disappear.

Paola Giovetti reports some healing testimonies made by Umberto Di Grazia: “When he heals, Di Grazia touches the patient with his hands: the emission of a strong energy was found. It seems that it is infrared rays that exceed five times those of other people. Contact develops vasodilation, which improves circulation and also has a sterilizing effect. “

Lucia Gregori: The thing that most impressed me in Di Grazia, says Lucia Gregori from Rome, was the approach: I went to him for stress problems that somatized in the form of headaches and insomnia. Unlike the other pranotherapists I had met, Di Grazia is not in a hurry: before starting to heal, he wants to know who he is in front of. With him we talk at length about our situation and problems. Di Grazia is able to give a lot of confidence, a lot of tranquillity and I think this has played a very important role in my recovery. It makes you relax completely, then begins to send energy. However, he explains that he can do nothing alone, that he can only stimulate the vital energies, if the patient cooperates and really wants to heal. So I did my best, I believed in him, I aroused in me the desire to heal, to free myself from my troubles. It worked, but I think the relationship of trust, the tranquillity that Di Grazia was able to create was fundamental.”

Gianfranco Monnati: “Since 1972 I have suffered from excruciating pain in the right side of the head, which was repeated once or twice during the night, each lasting 60 – 90 minutes. I wandered in Italy and abroad, from one I tried all the remedies including acupuncture and pranotherapy, nobody could even make a diagnosis. In 1987 I went to the United States wherein Washington they were finally able to tell me what I had: cluster headaches. The crises I was subjected to were terrible: over the years my body weakened more and more and reacted less and less to the cortisone sedatives which I was forced to resort to soothe the pain … “

Thus Manrico Gianfranco Monnati, 45, first goalkeeper at the Hotel de la Ville in Rome, tells the odyssey that for 21 years led him to wander from one doctor’s office to another without any result. Until last year, in March, what he himself does not hesitate to call a “miracle” took place. A relative of mine advised me to turn to Umberto Di Grazia: she had seen him on television, interviewed by Maurizio Costanzo together with a gentleman from Rome, Andrea Sebastiani.

He too had suffered from a headache similar to mine. Sebastiani, who is the son of the professor of tropical diseases at Sapienza in Rome, had come to the point of having a padded and soundproofed room set up for when he was having crises, because he could not bear the slightest noise. He was healed thanks to Di Grazia’s Biostimulation. I wanted to try too. When we met, Di Grazia humanely and simply said to me: “let’s try”. After only four sessions, the illness I had suffered and had cost me, in physical and economic terms, really a lot, had disappeared”.

Reference articles::

Biostimolazione applicata®

La mente globale

I principi fisici della guarigione Intenzionale

Alterazioni nell’infrarosso ai palmi delle mani dei terapeuti

Le implicazioni scientifiche e spirituali delle capacità psichiche  di R.Targ.

Professione spia psichica

Per la conoscenza di un metodo di alto livello scientifico

OASIS – Per visionare il nostro progetto:

Testi consigliati:

(su questo sito)

Tecniche dell’Unione
Autore, Umberto Di Grazia, edizioni Mediterranee

Il risveglio della Mente Globale
di Peter Russel

Creatività e pensiero laterale
del dr.E.De Bono, edizioni Superbur Rizzoli

I miracoli della Mente
Autore, Russel Targ e Jane Katra, edizioni Gruppo Editoriale Futura.

Parapsicologia, la scienza contestata
di Richard S.Brougton, edizioni Sperling-Kupfer.

Medicina transpersonale, il potere curativo della mente
Autore, Larry Dossey, edizioni RED.

Tutto è Uno
Autore, Michael Talbot, edizioni Urra.

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